can you recommend a good vodka - translation to ελληνικό
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can you recommend a good vodka - translation to ελληνικό

Brother Can You Spare a Dime?; Brother Can You Spare A Dime; Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?; Can You Spare a Dime?; Brother, can you spare a dime; Brother, Can You Spare A Dime; Buddy can you spare a dime; Buddy can you spare a dime?; Buddy, can you spare a dime; Brother Can You Spare a Dime; Brother, Can You Spare a Dime
  • Unemployed men outside a soup kitchen in Chicago, 1931.

can you recommend a good vodka      
μπορείτε να μου συστήσετε μια καλή βότκα
good for you         
Good For You (disambiguation); Good For You; Good for You (disambiguation)
good morning         
Good Morning; G'mornin; Good Morning (movie); Qayirly Tan; Goodmorning; Good mornings; Good-mornings; Goodmornings; Good Morning (song); Good morning (disambiguation); Good Morning (disambiguation); Good Morning (film)


The can-can is a dance in which women kick their legs in the air to fast music.
...can-can dancers from the Moulin Rouge.
N-SING: oft the N


Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

"Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" is one of the best-known American songs of the Great Depression. Written by lyricist Yip Harburg and composer Jay Gorney, it was part of the 1932 musical revue Americana; the melody is based on a Russian-Jewish lullaby. The song tells the story of the universal everyman, whose honest work towards achieving the American dream has been foiled by the economic collapse. Unusual for a Broadway song, it was composed largely in a minor key. The song became best known through recordings by Bing Crosby and Rudy Vallée that were released in late 1932. The song received positive reviews and was one of the most popular songs of 1932. As one of the few popular songs during the era to discuss the darker aspects of the collapse, it came to be viewed as an anthem of the Great Depression.